ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Yuri V. Rodovich

Professor, Doctor of Science (Historу), Professor of the Department of the History and Archeology

Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. The article shows the evolution of the Atlantic and Russian directions of German foreign policy – from the rule of the “small coalition” led by the Social Democrat V. Brandt to the rule of the coalition led by the Social Democrat O. Scholz. The government of the "small coalition" pursued a «new Eastern policy» aimed at normalizing relations with the USSR and Eastern European states. At the same time, Brandt considered it necessary to enlist the support of Western partners. This policy was continued under Chancellor G. Schmidt, although with the strengthening of the Atlantic vector. During the reign of the coalition cabinet headed by G. Kohl, Germany was seen as a close ally of the United States. With the support of Washington, G. Kohl managed to get the USSR leadership to agree to the unification of Germany and its membership in NATO. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Germany is the first of the great powers recognized Russia as an independent state. The Russian Federation has obtained from Germany the postponement of the payment of debts on trade transactions between the USSR and the GDR, and G. Kohl – the early withdrawal of Soviet/Russian troops from Germany. Under the government of the SPD – Alliance 90/The Greens led by the Social Democrat G. Schroeder, Germany remained one of the closest allies of the United States. However, in 2003, Germany opposed the US military action against Iraq. After the election of Vladimir Putin to the presidential post in Russia, cooperation between Germany and the Russian Federation reached its peak. Under the governments headed by CDU leader Angela Merkel, relations with the United States improved significantly, although they were in second place in importance after European integration. The phase of the most constructive cooperation between Berlin and Moscow has ended. Under the coalition government led by O. Scholz (SPD), Germany subordinated its national interests to American ones and lost a significant part of sovereignty. Federal Chancellor O. Scholz has done away with the traditional “new Eastern policy” of V. Brandt – G. Schroeder.
Keywords: Germany, USA, USSR, Russia, «new Eastern policy».

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Rodovich, YuV 2022, ‘Atlantic and Russian vectors of German foreign policy: from V. Brandt to O. Scholz’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (10), pp. 31–43, (in Russ.)


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