Anastasia V. Koreneva
Associate Professor, Doctor of Science (Pedagogy)
Murmansk Arctic State University
(Murmansk, Russia)
Nina N. Bychkova
Murmansk Arctic State University
(Murmansk, Russia)
Abstract. The article argues that at the present stage of development of linguodidactics it is highly
relevant to include modern neologisms in the foreign language teaching process. The paper presents the
results of a comprehensive analysis of the English language neologisms in the materials of the English
media for 2020–2022, which identified 289 new words. The article describes in more detail the covid
vocabulary, which actively enriched the language during the coronavirus pandemic. The paper describes
its semantics and identifies word-formation features. The authors compare the covid-vocabulary of the
English and Russian languages, identifying similar features of new words both on the word-formation
and semantic levels. The study proves that the neologisms promptly reflect all the changes that have
taken place in people's lives due to the sudden outbreak of COVID-19. The article also characterizes the
linguodidactic potential of modern neologisms in a foreign language learning. It describes a covid-era
English learning dictionary for learners and teachers, based on the results of a linguistic study. For the
purpose of fast updating, the dictionary has not only a printed version, but also an electronic one. It
contains information about the part of speech, countability of nouns, definitions in Russian and English.
A transcription of neologisms is given to convey the sound appearance of the word.
Keywords: neologisms, Russian language, English language, covid-vocabulary, educational dictionary, coronavirus era, intercultural communication.
Full text of the article (PDF)
For citation: Koreneva, AV & Bychkova NN, 2022, ‘Linguodidactic Potential of Regional Media Texts
in the Study of Neologisms in the Lessons of Russian as a Foreign Language’,
Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (10), pp. 54–66, (in Russ.)
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