ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Meenu Bhatnagar

Assistant Professor, Centre of Russian Studies, School of Language Literature and Culture Studies

Jawaharlal Nehru University

(New Delhi, India)


Abstract. Invasion of the Latin alphabet into the Russian language is one of the brightest manifestations of word-making in our time. The Latin alphabet is used along with Cyrillic not only to write new Anglicisms, but also in the spelling of even Russian words. The use of the Latin alphabet is mainly seen in informatics, advertising texts, social networks, and also in the titles of books and films. The trend towards hybridization, i.e. most likely refers to an inter-lingual word-formation game, which is carried out deliberately in order to draw more attention to the product and even to create a comic effect. This phenomenon represents a specific way of enriching the vocabulary of the Russian language at present. An increasing number of such hybrid words in the language, the more so, the fixation of many such words in the latest dictionaries of the Russian language demonstrates their mastery of the Russian language. The introduction of Latin into the Russian language implies a close contact and interaction between Russian and English. This article deals with the issue of hybrid neologisms in the Russian language, written through the Latin alphabet. It characterizes different structural typologies of such hybrid neologisms. An opinion on the necessity of a comprehensive study of the discussed interlanguage game is expressed, as this issue concerns not only the lexical level, but also other levels of the linguistic system.
Keywords: newly-formed hybrids, interlanguage play, Latin, Cyrillic, graphic neologisms.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Meenu Bhatnagar, 2022, ‘On the invasion of modern Russian by the Latin alphabet’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (10), pp. 67–74, (in Russ.)


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