ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Louisa R. Sidorkova

PhD in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature

Bukhara State University

(Bukhara, Uzbekistan)


Abstract. The term "field" is currently used in various sciences: psychology, philosophy, sociology, etc. In linguistics, this concept began to be considered from the point of view of the perception of language as a system-structural paradigm, assuming the interdependence and interrelation of all elements. The semantic field is the largest semantic paradigm that unites words of different parts of speech, the meanings of which have an integral semantic feature. The semantic field may include a number of microfields consisting of the nucleus, the near-nuclear part, the near and far periphery, the boundaries between which are diffuse. The semantic field of nature is very significant in the works of Konstantin Paustovsky, a master of landscape sketches. For the writer, a person is a part of nature, knowing himself/herself through it and being responsible for it. This article is devoted to the study of the structure of the microfield "Plants", which is one of the representatives of the semantic field of nature in the novels and short stories of K. G. Paustovsky. The microfield "Plants" includes in its composition both specific names of trees, flowers, grasses of the central part of Russia, and names of their places of growth (forest, meadow, garden, etc.), which metonymically absorb the idea of the plants themselves, thus forming the core and the near-nuclear part of this microfield. The zone of the nearest periphery includes the names of various parts of plants: fruits, needles, stems, branches, flower petals. The diffuse zone between them is formed by verb forms denoting the actions of plants (nature is active in Paustovsky’s works). The zone of the far periphery includes features of plants: color, smell, shape, which are no less significant in the overall structure of the microfield "Plants".
Keywords: semantic field, microfield, nature, structure, core, periphery, sememe, artistic text.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Sidorkova, LR 2022, ‘The microfield "Plants" in the semantic field of the nature in Konstantin Paustovsky's works’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (10), pp. 82–90, (in Russ.)


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