ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Maria S. Mazalova

Student, Russian Philology and Documentation Science Department

Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. The article presents the results of the study on the most important Tula region gastronomic brands (European Russia) and their impact on the formation of the regional identity of the region's residents. The work is topical because of the increasing need to maintain our national symbols in the modern world, as they demonstrate the specificity of Russian culture in comparison to other countries, and the symbolic images of the nation help citizens feel united, even in difficult times for the country. The aim of this article is to study one of the most important elements for image formation of the Tula region and at the same time a component of the system of regional identity: regional cuisine brands, contributing to the creation of own gastronomic culture. The collection and analysis of various sources of information (media publications, academic journals, Internet communities, advertising activities of regional food establishments, etc.) has become the main method in this work. The study proves the importance of the gastronomic aspect of the culture for the residents as a component of regional identity (based on some other scholars’ scientific works). It also identifies the focus of government and local enterprises: the greening of food production. The study considers the notion of a gastronomic map of the region, including both brands and gastronomic events. It is concluded that Tula region cuisine is an important element for maintaining the regional identity of the residents. The data obtained can be useful in compiling a dictionary of the Tula region identity, as well as in carrying out local history studies.
Keywords: Tula region, cultural linguistics, regional identity, mentality, sphere of concept, gastronomic culture, regional brands, regional image, gastronomic map of the region, food industry.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Mazalova, MS 2022, ‘The sphere of the concept"food and drink" as part of the regional identity of Tula region residents’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 3 (11), pp. 81–90, (in Russ.)


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