ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Svetlana V. Lebedeva

Professor, Head of the Chair of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication

Kursk State University

(Kursk, Russia)

Anastasia M. Henel

Master's student of the Chair of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication

Kursk State University

(Kursk, Russia)


Abstract. The article discusses the causes and role of borrowing in the creation of acronyms and homoacronyms in the various onyms that shape German economic discourse. The authors consider their features mainly in documentonyms, ideonyms, including pragmatonyms, ergonyms and firmonyms, as well as in hemeronyms. The functions of acronyms are different in different onyms, which affects the choice of truncation-borrowing length in the formation of an acronym. Thus, in firmonyms, the most important function of acronyms is advertising, as well as communication and mnemonic functions, i.e. the acronym should be convenient for pronunciation and memorization. The main function of acronyms in documentonyms is the information function, as well as the function of individualization, concretization, due to which preference is given not to the choice of borrowing in the form of an initial, but to the choice of truncation, and with maximum length.
Keywords: onym, economics, discourse, borrowing, acronym, function, component.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Lebedeva, SV & Henel, AM 2022, ‘Specifics of construction of acronyms in various onyms of German economic discourse’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 3 (11), pp. 91–99, (in Russ.)


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