ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Marina K. Akolzina

Associate Professor, PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Chair of History and Philosophy

Derzhavin Tambov State University

(Tambov, Russia)


Abstract. At present, the interest in the socio-economic history of Russia has significantly increased, in particular, the study of commercial and industrial activity of merchants in provincial towns is one of the promising areas. First of all, the reason for this is that in the first half of the 19th century new, entrepreneurial strata of the population were forming in the district towns and actively participating in economic activities. It seems relevant to study the possibilities of regional archives for studying the history of the regional political and economic elite, representatives of specific families of the commercial and entrepreneurial strata of the urban population at the micro level. Not only socio-economic relations in the commercial and business environment, but also corporate and family ties, involvement in the power structures of the city, support of the local administration and former landlords determined the economic situation of the family, its place in the economic life of the city and the region. Important for the research of the entrepreneurial activity of the provincial merchants in the first half of the 19th century is the study of the financial situation, profitability of citizens. The article considers an extensive set of sources on the topic presented in the regional archive – the State Archive of Tambov Oblast: printed (legislative acts, reference materials and publications, proceedings of the Tambov Scientific Archival Commission, Scientific historical and local history society, materials of the periodical press) and archival sources (materials of church records, administrative records, statistical records, fiscal records, clerical documents of state institutions and city self-government bodies, judicial and investigative materials, personal funds). The relevance of the study is determined by the need to fill the source gap in the study of the Russian version of the economic commercial and industrial activity of merchants in the pre-reform period. The scientific novelty of the work is connected with the analysis of the source resources of the regional archive, which can be used by researchers of the entrepreneurial activity of merchants, it is also determined by the micro-historical approach to the complex study of the topic.
Keywords: Tambov province, first half of the 19th century, State Archive of Tambov Oblast, archival sources, merchants, entrepreneurship, industry, trade.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Akolzina, MK 2022, ‘Source base for the study of entrepreneurial activity of provincial merchants in the first half of the 19th century: Resources of regional archives (by the State Archive of Tambov Oblast)’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 4 (12), pp. 23–31, (in Russ.)


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