ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Yulia M. Zubareva

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chair of Documentation and Stylistics of the Russian Language

Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. The article examines the features of the medialect as a linguistic phenomenon of modern mass communication. It highlights the significant interest in its study on the part of the scientific community. The article examines the structure and content of this type of language, functioning in the digital space and represented by audiovisual and network projects. The analysis of scientific papers devoted to this phenomenon shows the ambiguity of approaches to terminology, the lack of a clear definition of its properties, as well as the principles of implementation in the speech space, the developed methods and research techniques. The medialect is a mass medium used in the media sphere; its qualities are determined by the specifics of multimedia interaction. Observation of the implementation of a medialect in Internet communication helped to identify a number of its basic characteristics: utility, relevance, performativity, irreversibility, and a multi-level structure. Among the lexical and grammatical features, there are a rich stylistic resource, as well as polycoding, due to the need for maximum visualization to draw attention to the content. The availability of digital platforms, the possibilities of ICT technologies, the absence of territorial, age, gender and financial restrictions allowed the media lecture to acquire a special status. It reflects the current consciousness of society transmits ideas, values and experience of current life, contributes to the effective organization of activity. The user is not a bystander (listener or viewer), but a participant or manager of various projects. At the same time, when creating information content, a person is not always an expert in his or her chosen field. This significantly affects the quality of the information presented. The article proves the need for a comprehensive and more thorough study of the medialect by specialists from various scientific fields: linguists, sociologists, scholars in culture studies, and psychologists.
Keywords: information and communication technologies, Internet communications, digital environment, media sphere, digital education, media linguistics, polycoding.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Zubareva, YuM 2022, ‘Medialect as a language phenomenon of modern mass communication’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 4 (12), pp. 46–52, (in Russ.)


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