ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Elena V. Dmitrieva

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication

Kursk State University

(Kursk, Russia)


Abstract. The study proposes to analyze the results of an associative experiment in order to determine the associative field of stimulus words, as well as to identify the key pillars of stimulus identification and clarify its main semantic elements. The participants of the experiment were students of the Faculty of Defectology, Faculty of History, Faculty of Philology and Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology of the 1st - 4th years of study at Kursk State University, aged between 18 and 22, divided into two groups - "specialists" and "non-specialists". The tools for processing the results for further interpretation were Google Forms (collecting information on the gender, age, year and faculty of the participants, followed by the demonstration of stimulus word cards to the respondents) and Google Sheets (collecting and sorting the reactions received, followed by their processing). The results showed, firstly, a reliance on attributes that reflect the inclusion of the concept in a wide range of human activities, secondly, an emotional component in the process of term identification, and thirdly, the presence or absence of life and/or professional experience. In conclusion, the majority of reactions in respondents aged 18 to 22 are determined directly by their psycho-emotional state, extra-linguistic knowledge, social environment and many other factors. The study also shows that in the process of becoming a student as an individual and a future professional, there is an activation of aspects of life that are fundamentally important in the formation and self-organization of an individual's vocabulary (for example, the sphere of youth communication, extracurricular activities, etc.).
Keywords: computer terminology, computer terms, free associative experiment, reality, professional factor, worldview.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Dmitrieva, EV 2023, ‘Associative Experiment as a Way to Identify the Features of Computer Terminology Identification’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 1 (13), pp. 83–89, (in Russ.)


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