ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Valiantsina V. Marsheuskaya

Associate Professor, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Belarusian Philology

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

(Grodno, Belarus)


Abstract. The article deals with the semantic properties of monosemantic verbal phraseological units of the Belarusian language, that correlate with various models of simple and complex phrases and represent emotions, mental properties of personality, as well as behavior associated with character traits, emotional state, and mood. Emotive verbal phraseological units of the Belarusian language in their definitions contain various kinds of indications of emotion (phraseological units of primary mediated emotionality). Semantic groups and subgroups of verbal phraseological units of the Belarusian language representing the mental properties of personality (character traits) and behavior are most widely represented. The analysis of the semantic structure of monosemantic verbal phraseological units has shown that Belarusians have a positive attitude to such character traits as endurance, tolerance, patience, honesty, shrewdness; they negatively treat such character traits of individual representatives of the Belarusian ethnos as cowardice, indifference, apathy, inertness, passivity. Character traits which do not correspond to the moral qualities of a person (deceitfulness, insincerity, individualism) are sharply disapproved. It has been established that the subject (left compatibility) of verbal phraseological expressions with the meaning of behavior is a person (human) or a grammatically inanimate noun that contains the semantic structure of the "animate" sema and serves to denote a group of persons. Another living being (non-human) may also act as the subject; this feature helps to distinguish verbal phraseological units with the meaning of behavior and verbal phraseological units with the meaning of activity, the subject of which is exclusively a person. The connotative element of the verbal phraseological structure with the meaning of behavior is especially evident in contexts – advice, instructions, denials, direct criticism of vicious behavior – in such cases the phraseological units are used in their infinitive form in combination with the words nuzhno ‘should’, nelzya ‘cannot/mustn’t’ in impersonal sentences.
Keywords: phraseology, the Belarusian language, verbal phraseological units, conceptual category of state, representation of emotions, mental properties of personality, behaviour.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Marsheuskaya, VV 2023, ‘Features of the Semantic Structure of Verbal Phraseological Units of the Belarusian Language with the Meaning of the State’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (14), pp. 115–127, 10.22405/2712-8407-2023-2-115-127 (in Russ.)


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