ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Natalya A. Yakovleva

PhD in Philology, Junior Research fellow

Military Academy of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russian Federation

(Moscow, Russia)


Abstract. The analysis of dialectal lexical units remains very topical today, as the regional vocabulary reflects the people's worldview and retains many traditional notions of good and evil, honour and dishonour. The dialect lexical system still harbours many mysteries and allows us to consider a number of ethical issues. This article is based on the paper card index and the electronic database of the "Arkhangelsk Regional Dictionary", created at the Department of the Russian Language of the Faculty of Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State, and deals with the expressive nominations of living beings with the root dobr- (in the meaning of ‘good’) and zl- (in the meaning of ‘evil’). These words refer to humans (dobrodétel', zlyukha), animals that are often personified (dobryák, zlýdnya), or mythological creatures (dobrokhod - ‘house spirit’). The author carefully analyzes lexical units, which, on the one hand, with their root lexemes, correlate with the nationwide lexical fund, and, on the other hand, are part of dialect lexical units. The article presents numerous dialect lexical units, which represent a systemic formation. In general it fits within the lexical-semantic field. The lexical-semantic analysis of dialect lexemes allows us to conclude that common Russian words in dialects have a great derivational potential, as well as to confirm the opinion of scientists that negative nominations noticeably prevail over positive ones, since the negation zone in the language is traditionally more developed. The various kinds of semantic links that develop within the opposing thematic poles, which name the positive and negative human properties and qualities, confirm this idea. During the analysis, the author also refers to the lexicographic sources, which makes the observations more argumentative. All interpretations of dialect lexical units are accompanied by sayings that confirm the use of words in a particular meaning in Arkhangelsk dialects.
Keywords: Arkhangelsk dialects, Arkhangelsk Regional Dictionary, good, evil, expressive nominations.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Yakovleva, NA 2023, ‘Good and Evil Beings in the Arkhangelsk Dialects’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (14), pp. 138–147, (in Russ.)


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