ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Konstantin А. Anisimov

Postgraduate Student of the Chair of World History

Belgorod State University

(Belgorod, Russia)

Sergey V. Yartsev

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Chair of History and Archeology

Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. The article offers the authors' view on the events of the political history of the relatively small but extremely important from a historical point of view microregion of Thrace on the Aegean Sea coast, bounded from the north by the Rhodopes, from the east by the Hébros River, and from the west by the Nestos River, in the VII – VI centuries BC. The problems of the settlement of the Thracian tribes are also considered. At that time, the Aegean coast in the interfluve of Hebros and Nestos. It became the scene of complex processes of interaction between Greek settlers, who founded a number of large and small settlements, with Thracian and Paeonian tribes. Depending on one tribe or another, these relations developed in different ways: somewhere Thracians and Hellenes lived together in the same polis or emporia, as was the case with the Cycons tribe, and somewhere the Hellenes had to fight hard for the opportunity to settle in Thrace, which took place in the lands of the Bistonians tribe. At the end of the VI century BC, the local Thracians and Hellenes had to face the invasion of the Paeonian tribes who came from the west, and after that the Persian conquest put an end to the early stage of Greek-Thracian relations, opening a new page in their history. In the course of the study we also had to pay attention to the history of the island of Samothrace, adjacent to the region of interest to us, which played an important role in the colonization of Thrace by the Hellenes.
Keywords: Cycons, Bistonians, Thracians, Hebras, Nestos, Thrausians, Sapeians, Thrace, Achaemenids, The Great Greek Colonization.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Anisimov, KA & Yartsev, SV 2023, ‘Controversial Issues in the History of the Interfluve of the Lower Nestos and Lower Hebros Rivers in the 7th – late 6th Centuries BC’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (14), pp. 42–55, (in Russ.)


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