ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Kirill A. Vladimirov

Postgraduate Student, Assistant of the Department of World History

Belgorod State National Research University

(Belgorod, Russia)


Abstract. This study is devoted to the analysis of the situation of the Jewish population in the territory of the former Roman Gaul in the 6th century. The main sources are the works of religious figures (Caesarius of Arles, Gregory of Tours) and materials of local church councils. It is noted that the Late Antique Galia was a territory inhabited by representatives of various ethnic and religious communities, which included Jews. The sources used do not contain accurate information about the number of the Jewish population of the region, but their analysis allows us to conclude that the secular authorities and the church carried out an active policy of Christianization of Jews. The canons of the Gallic church councils contain numerous references to such sanctions against Jews as prohibitions on holding public office, restrictions on the administration of rituals and a favored regime for the liberation of Christian slaves. Punishment was also provided for Christians participating in Jewish festivals. For church leaders, the Jews (along with the Arians) were an antagonistic denomination, in contrast to which the formation of the Christian identity of the Gallo-Roman and Frankish population took place. The Christianization of this population group was conceived not just as the duty of bishops to create unified communities, but also as a benefit for the Jews themselves, who, by joining the Christian church, restored the connection with their ancient history severed by the crucifixion of Christ. However, despite the large-scale baptizing of Jews, there were cases of their resistance to these measures: the efforts of the bishops were not always successful, and communities could move to cities with more tolerant clergy. The sources also contain references to cases of enmity between baptized and unbaptized Jews, as well as doubts that the change of faith is sincere.
Keywords: late Antiquity, bishops, church, Franks, Roman Gaul, Jews.

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For citation: Vladimirov, KV 2023, ‘“Woe to the Tribe of the Jews”: the Jewish Population of Gaul in the 6th Century’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (14), pp. 56–63, (in Russ.)


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