ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Julia A. Vasileva

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Modern Russian Language

Astrakhan Tatishchev State University

(Astrakhan, Russia)


Abstract. The article is devoted to the consideration of ergonyms as an important compo-nent of the regional tourist discourse, the information space of the city. Nomina-tions that represent the characteristics of the cultural and material life of the pop-ulation of a particular territory take on particular significance. In Astrakhan and the Astrakhan region, gastronomic, ethnographic, cultural and educational, fish-ing and hunting and other types of tourism are actively developing. More than half of tourists come to the region for the purpose of fishing or hunting, respec-tively, nominees focus on the communicative strategy of branding as a tool for promoting and popularizing recreation places. The names of tourist objects broadcast information about the phenomena of national culture, multiculturality of urban space. The article analyzes the linguistic and pragmatic features of As-trakhan ergonyms as lexical components of a public subspecies of tourist dis-course, the purpose of which is to create a product that is maximally attractive to tourists. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that, as part of advertising communication, ergonyms represent the national and cultural identity of the re-gion, not only affecting the cognitive sphere of tourists, but also acting as a com-ponent of the conceptual picture of the world of representatives of a particular linguistic culture. The information and communication potential of ergonyms is effectively realized in the tourist discourse if the nominations of urban objects re-flect information about the key values of the region, its cultural, geographical uniqueness. The image of an attractive, unique region is formed by the names of popular tourist sites, which rationally combine informative and advertising func-tions. On the basis of an analysis of the names of objects of the regional tourism industry, groups of ergonyms are identified, motivated by an indication of the geographical features of the region, its unique natural resources, ethno-cultural definition and the role of the city as a spiritual and religious center. The filling of ergonyms with ethno-cultural information determines their role in the formation of the regional image.
Keywords: onomastics, sociolinguistics, ergonyms, tourist discourse, linguopragmatic aspect.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Vasileva, JuA 2023, ‘Ergonyms as a Component of Regional Tourist Discourse: Linguopragmatic Aspect’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (14), pp. 64–73, (in Russ.)


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