ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Ninel V. Ivleva

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Lecturer

Orel Medical College

(Orel, Russia)


Abstract. The article explores the reasons that create barriers to the understanding of verbal material by participants in scientific or academic discourse. Scientific discourse is a specialized type of written interaction between the author and the recipient of a scientific text in the form of a dynamic process of its generation and perception. In the content and semantic aspects, the effectiveness of professional communication is characterized by the addressee's ability to adequately interpret a text message. The purpose of the article is to consider the relationship of difficulties in a scientific text understanding with the specifics of its structural-semantic and logical-semantic organization. The sources of the language material were texts from various scientific fields (psychology, medicine, veterinary medicine, etc.). The author used a research methodology based on a combination of textual analysis and personal observation to examine the cognitive mechanism of communicators' difficulties in interpreting the semantics of a text message. Failures in the perception of a text message by its addressee are due to linguistic and extra-linguistic groups of factors. Linguistic factors that deform the scientific information understanding are associated with terminological ambiguity and logical-semantic disorder of the text. Among these factors, polysemy, which is a complex linguo-cognitive phenomenon, based on thought decoding, plays the greatest role in creating a communicative barrier. The study shows that the distorted interpretation of the semantic content of isomorphic terms from different subject areas is determined by the misalignment of the linguistic and cognitive bases of the author and the addressee of the scientific message. The author also reveals the dominant influence of the semantics of the terms of a particular sphere of knowledge initially learned by a specialist on the identification of semantic content in the semantic structure of polysemic lexical units of another scientific field.
Keywords: scientific discourse, communication, text material, interpretation, linguistic and cognitive basis, research vocabulary, polysemy.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Ivleva, NV 2023, ‘Disintegration of the Text Addressee’s Receptive Program: Factors of Scientific Discourse Ineffectiveness’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (14), pp. 74–84, (in Russ.)


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