ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Yulia I. Kuzina

Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Documentation and Stylistics of the Russian Language

Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. The article is devoted to one of the modern trends of the anthropocentric paradigm – regional identity as a linguistic and socio-cultural phenomenon (on the example of the study of the Tula region toponymic material). There are signs of a regional subculture: the specificity of the people’s consciousness, the common life and the system of value orientations. It is emphasized that the process of identifying a person based on a regional criterion consists in sorting stereotypical representations in accordance with the opposition "friend/foe". The article characterizes toponyms as a valuable national and cultural heritage of the people. It indicates that toponyms can act as a means of cultural identification and carry cultural meanings in their meaning, reflecting the experience of a linguistic and cultural group. The paper reveals that as a result of labeling toponymic units, reducing the semes associated with encyclopedic knowledge, and bringing to the fore stereotypical representations of naive consciousness, toponyms become an element of mental space and are used as a brand of the region. The author investigates features of the semantics of toponyms and microtoponyms. The analysis of the nominations of recreational facilities in Tula and the Tula region highlights stereotypical ideas that dominate in the minds of the Tula subculture. The article determines that the inclusion of these units in the linguistic symbolary of the Tula culture is connected both with the local factor (the designated objects are located on the territory of the Tula region) and with the socio-cultural characteristics of the region and the values of Tula residents. The article concludes that toponymic material is important in the creation of a regional cultural text. Toponymy and microtoponymy is the richest source of information for the linguistic and cultural study of linguistic phenomena. Such studies allow us to establish the features of the social and household environment of the region, as well as to know the specifics of the worldview and the features of the naive consciousness of the inhabitants.
Keywords: language, regional culture, regional identity, cultural text, toponyms, values.

Acknowledgments: the study «Simbolarium of Regional Identity» was carried out at the expense of the Russian Science Foundation No. 22-28-20342 and the Government of the Tula region (agreement No. 6 of April 10, 2022).

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Kuzina, YuI 2023, ‘The Role of Toponymy in the Text Construction of the Tula Regional Culture (on the Example of the Semantics of Toponyms Denoting Recreational Activity Objects)’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (14), pp. 95–105, (in Russ.)


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