ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Grigoriy V. Tokarev

Professor, Doctor of Science (Philology), Head of the Department of Document Science and Russian Language Stylistics

Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. The article considers the problem of identity identification on the example "Memoirs" of Valentin Zimin, a well-known phraseologist. Identification refers to the process of categorizing a person with any social group, its characterization, evaluation. The study has found that the cognitive result of the identification process is a proposition. Depending on the identifying subject, self-identification (subjective identification) and objective identification are distinguished. Self-identification is embodied in the proposition I am X and is carried out by the person himself. Objective identification reflects the proposition – He is X and is carried out by other subjects. The paper has established that identification processes are carried out throughout a person's life, since they reflect the mental activity of the collective and self-knowledge. Identification of a person can be carried out explicitly and implicitly. In the first case, the writer uses characterizing statements. The implicit method has a diverse arsenal of means for objectification of this communicative tactic. Two ways of identification are defined: direct and indirect. The analysis of the "Memories" allows to identify the following tactics of self-identification: I am the youngest in the family. I am a peasant. I am the organizer of the dwelling. I am a fighter. I am a refugee. I am an athlete. I am a civilian, not a military man. I am a carpenter, a chimney sweep. I conform to the cultural norms accepted in society. I am not a temporizer, not a conformist. I am a lecturer, a public figure. I am nonparty man. I am a generous person. Indirect self-identification tactics are as follows: I am not a pragmatic, ambitious person. Identifying propositions generated by other people include the following: He is a Cuman. He is a partisan. He is not like the others. The selected propositions reflect several propositional functions with the following content: "a person combines contrasting characteristics: a peasant, a labourer and a member of intelligentsia; physically weak and having athletic achievements, simple, understandable and original. Zimin is a man who lived by his own rules, adjusted by ordinary morality, conscience.
Keywords: pragmatics, text, linguistic persona, speech tactics, identification, proposition.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Tokarev, GV 2023, ‘Identification Tactics in V. I. Zimin's "Memoirs"’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 3 (15), pp. 101–108, (in Russ.)


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