Olga I. Avdeeva
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the I. G. Dobrodomov Department of General Linguistics
Moscow Pedagogical State University
(Moscow, Russia)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22405/2712-8407-2023-3-109-124
Abstract. The article examines the problem of the syncretism principle in the V. Zimin’s “Thesaurus
of Russian proverbs, sayings and apt expressions” construction. The material of the study is the dictionary entry “Trees are supported by roots, and a person - by their friends”. The aim of the study is to
identify the features of the dictionary entry construction, to show the role of the syncretism principle as
the main principle of this process in the Thesaurus under study. It is also important to show the role of
the syncretism principle as a means of creating the phenomenon of living colloquial Russian speech, but
at the same time preserving the necessary scientific level of interpretation in the dictionary entry. As a
result, each dictionary entry is a verbalization of a fragment of the naive Russian linguistic worldview.
The author concludes that the syncretism principle works both in the selection of linguistic material and
in its presentation in the Thesaurus under study. The language material selected for presentation in the
Thesaurus consists of proverbs, sayings, phraseological units and other “apt expressions”: sayings, proverbs, riddles, omens, counting rhymes etc. However, there is no clear scientific definition of these units
in the Thesaurus. Nevertheless, the syncretism of the linguistic material itself is undeniable. In addition,
the syncretism principle is also observed in the presentation of linguistic material. It is revealed in the
combination of paradigmatic and syntagmatic approaches to the representation of paremiological and
phraseological units, in the organization of a single phraseo-paremiological semantic field uniting 27
semantic groups characterizing friendship from different sides. It is also revealed in cognitive and linguocultural analyses, and it is manifested in the syncretism of gestalts, frames and scenarios in the verbalization of the concept "friendship" and the syncretism of different cultural codes: anthropomorphic,
actional, biomorphic, fetish, animic - in the verbalization of stereotypes of friendly relations. Thanks to
this, the dictionary entry under study is a sample of living colloquial Russian speech, verbalizing a fragment of the naive Russian linguistic worldview.
Keywords: paremiology, phraseology, paremia, proverb, phraseological unit, dictionary-thesaurus, semantic field, semantic group, synonymy, concept, cognitive linguistics, linguoculturology, phraseography.
Full text of the article (PDF)
For citation: Avdeeva, OI 2023, ‘Multilevel Syncretism as the Main Principle of V. Zimin’s “Thesaurus of Russian Proverbs, Sayings and Apt Expressions” Construction (on the Example of the Dictionary Entry “Trees Are Supported by Roots, and a Person – by their Friends”)’,
Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 3 (15), pp. 109–124, https://doi.org/10.22405/2712-8407-2023-3-109-124 (in Russ.)
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