ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Elena V. Nichiporchik

Professor, Doctor of Science (Philology), Head of the Department of Russian, General and Slavic Linguistics

Francisk Skorina Gomel State University

(Gomel, Belarus)


Abstract. The article analyses the organization of the thematic association of Belarusian proverbs about intelligence and stupidity in the electronic paremiological dictionary. This is a consolidated paremiological dictionary created on the material of 9 Belarusian proverbial collections, that differ in their volume, principles of drawing up, compilation, presence/absence of interpretation of fixed units. The purpose of the author of the article is to reveal the inner connection of proverbs about the intelligence and stupidity, representing the corresponding thematic association in the electronic paremiological dictionary. The sequence of proverbs about intelligence and stupidity in the electronic dictionary is subordinated to the combination of two logics – the logic of dividing human life into spheres and the logic of evaluative qualification. The unification of these logics is revealed by the cyclical interaction of the categories underlying the paremiological conceptualization of the world. According to the logic of the evaluative qualification, the intelligence has not only a positive connotation, and stupidity has not only a negative one. In different types of relations, determined by the logic of life (intelligence/stupidity ↔ physically human characteristics (age, strength, beauty, etc.), intelligence/stupidity ↔ happiness; intelligence/stupidity ↔ wealth/poverty; intelligence/stupidity ↔ word; intelligence/stupidity ↔ work; intelligence/stupidity ↔ loneliness/collectivism; intelligence/stupidity ↔ family; intelligence/stupidity ↔ one’s own/someone else’s; intelligence/stupidity ↔ time, etc.). The article reveals positive characteristics of intelligent people and some disadvantages of their life, negative characteristics of stupid people and some advantages of belonging to the category of fools. The sequence of combining proverbs about intelligence and stupidity, built in the dictionary taking into account these relations, sheds light on the systemic connections of paremiological units, makes the logic of comprehension of the world by the producers of paremia transparent for the dictionary user.
Keywords: proverb, dictionary, thematic association, value, system connections, relationships.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Nichiporchik, EV 2023, ‘The Logic of the Development of the Theme “Mind. Quickwittedness. Stupidity” in the Electronic Dictionary of Belarusian Proverbs’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 3 (15), pp. 135–148, (in Russ.)


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