ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Ekaterina V. Ogoltseva

Associate Professor, Doctor of Science (Philology), Professor of the Russian Language Department

Moscow State Pedagogical University

Saint Tikhon's Orthodox University for the Humanities

(Moscow, Russia)


Abstract. The object of analysis is comparative-derived words – adjectives, adverbs and verbs formed from nouns of different lexico-semantic groups and characterized by the semantics of figurative comparison. The linguistic material used is mainly zoonyms and names of substances. The purpose of the article is to prove the validity of considering derivatives of such types as the zmeinyy (snake), po-zmeinomu (snake-like), zmeit'sya (to meander like a snake) as structurally comparative variants of stable comparisons. The author considers various aspects of the structural-semantic correlation of synthetic and analytical units expressing comparison. In the derivative structure, the derivational base expresses the figurative nucleus. The word-forming affix performs the function of the comparative relations indicator. The article shows that the Russian language has a whole system of comparative nests that unite different-level units with a common figurative basis: comparative phraseological units (fixed similes) and derived words of different parts of speech and different models. At the same time, if a minimal context - the defined word - is necessary for the actualization of the comparative semantics of an adjective, the figurative meanings of adverbs and verbs are obvious even without a context. The article also considers the factors contributing to or, on the contrary, hindering the semantic correlation of comparative units of different levels: unity / difference of the basis of comparison; coincidence / inconsistency of the object of figurative characteristics; differences in the degree of idiomaticity, etc. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that 1) the most complex interaction between the prototypical comparative structure and derivative words is observed in case of multivaluedness of the stable comparison and multicomponent of the figurative nest; 2) if the whole totality of comparative structures is analyzed, taking into account all structural-comparative variants.
Keywords: fixed simile, comparative phraseology, structural-comparative variant, comparativederived word, comparative nest, analytical comparative unit, synthetic comparative unit, associative experiment.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Ogoltseva, EV 2023, ‘Figurative Derived Word as a Structural-Comparative Variant of a Stable Comparison’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 3 (15), pp. 149–163, (in Russ.)


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