ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Elena A. Yurina

Professor, Doctor of Science (Philology), Professor of the Department of General and Russian Linguistics

Pushkin State Russian Language Institute

(Moscow, Russia)


Abstract. The article discusses the possibilities of lexicographic method for the systematic parameterization of words and expressions that have an allegorical (metaphorical, symbolic, associativefigural, figurative, etc.) type of semantics. The article highlights dictionaries of the beginning of the 21st century, the macro- and microstructure of which make it possible to reflect the results of the metaphorical reflection of a person’s ideas about the world in language. In addition, the article summarizes the principles of dictionary description of secondary figurative nominative units, which involve detailed interpretations of conceptual semantics, explication of the motivating and pragmatic components of meaning, emotional-evaluative semantics, explanation of the cultural background, etc. A series of food metaphor dictionaries created under the scientific guidance of the author of the article is characterized in detail, demonstrating different lexicographic models of one conceptual fragment of the figurative system of language. A number of works in this series examine nested and ideographic dictionaries of Russian food metaphors, created in a traditional book format. The macrostructure of the nested dictionary is focused on the thematic classification and systematic display of images from the initial sphere “Food” through the prism of which the inner world of a person and the surrounding reality are characterized. The ideographic dictionary presents the data systematization in accordance with a synoptic sketch that classifies the target conceptual areas indicated through the food metaphor. The digital polylingual dictionary of metaphors shows more fully the lexicographic model of the figurative system of the language. This dictionary includes dictionary entries in the form of electronic databases of Russian, English, Italian and Kazakh languages, thanks to computer markup and the possibility of fast multichannel search. The dictionaries of Russian food metaphors discussed in the article demonstrate the deep conceptual structures under the figurative word and phraseology that determine a linguistic personality thinking; reflect a wide range of encyclopedic knowledge and information defining linguistic semantics and immersing it in the broader semiotic context of culture.
Keywords: figurative language, metaphor, phraseology, dictionary, lexicographic method, linguistic model.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Yurina, EA 2023, ‘Lexicographic Modeling of the Figurative System of Language’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 3 (15), pp. 195–205, (in Russ.)


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