ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Natalya I. Novikova

Doctor of Science (History), Leading Researcher

Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology named after N. N. Mikloukho-Maklay RAS

(Moscow, Russia)


Abstract. The article examines contemporary economic practices of indigenous peoples and the role of creativity in their formation. The basis of the analysis is the author's field materials collected in different areas of Sakhalin. To analyze socio-economic relations, the author uses the concepts of extractivism, which characterize broad practices of resource extraction, food sovereignty and localism. The basis of the hypothesis of the study is an investigation of the relationship between knowledge of the properties of local flora and fauna, skills in their application, and indigenous creativity. Knowledge of the surrounding world determines the types of economic activities analyzed. First, the indigenous peoples of the island developed and continue to develop everything related to the sea on a daily basis. Recently, salmon stocks and access to this most important resource in the past has been declining. Thus, people have to learn new skills. Today, the level of their "formal" professional training is increasing. The effect of uniqueness, which creates new opportunities for livelihoods based on local resources, is becoming particularly important. The basis of the analysis is the author's field materials collected in the Sakhalin Oblast, Hungary and during the "Treasures of the North" exhibitions in Moscow. The article focuses on two spheres of life: local cuisine and its presentation and artistic creation. The author interprets the information received and created through reflection at the intersection of scientific and traditional knowledge of all factors of "local life".
Keywords: Sakhalin, economic practices, indigenous peoples, uniqueness, fish leather, food, artistic creation.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Novikova, NI 2023, ‘Economic Practices and Creativity of the Indigenous Peoples of Sakhalin: The Effect of Uniqueness’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 3 (15), pp. 49–59, (in Russ.)


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