ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Tatiana F. Lyapkina

Doctor of Science (Cultural Studies), Professor of the Chair of Cultural Studies and Socio-cultural Activities

Arctic State Institute of Culture and Arts

(Yakutsk, Russia)

Natalia S. Ledzhinova

PhD in Economic Sciences

Arctic State Institute of Culture and Arts

(Yakutsk, Russia)


Abstract. The modern type of economy is a new way of organizing socio-cultural relations. The architectonics of such an economy consists of the following key elements: knowledge, in the context of human capital and the information environment of capital application. The main element of the new relationship between economy and culture is high-tech products and services, which, on the one hand, claim to be flexible, but on the other hand, it is to them that identity processes are delegated. The study considers the modern economy as a space of struggle for national and ethnic sovereignty, as global processes have exacerbated the problem of many local cultures’ sovereignty. The economy is a field of struggle for a person, for the conceptualization and goal-setting of cultural and economic practices. These are the brand production practices. The current level of development of creative technologies, practices and industries in Yakutia's economy forces us not to replace true cultural values with market values. Today it is important not to sell your national identity for the need of capital. Those who will endure this race may be the bearers of true cultural values. Today, modern jewelry manufacturers fight for traditional Yakut values (family, happiness, love, kindness, loyalty), spreading them in symbolic meanings. The products of the ONUOR UTUM jewelry company claim to broadcast the values of traditional culture through their own, special creative product.
Keywords: traditional economic practices and creative economy, identity, national brand, traditional cultural values.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Lyapkina, TF & Ledzhinova, NS 2023, ‘Economy and Culture: a New Turn in the Search for a National Yakut Brand’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 3 (15), pp. 60–69, (in Russ.)


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