ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Olga L. Lushnikova

PhD in Sociology, Senior Research Fellow of the Department of Economics and Sociology

Khakass Research Institute for Language, Literature and History

(Abakan, Russia)


Abstract. Many representatives of small indigenous minorities preserve their traditional way of life and engage in traditional economic activities. However, the preservation of the original way of life is under threat due to various factors: urbanization, migration and globalization processes in contemporary conditions. In addition, there are also regional factors affecting the transformation of the economic structure of indigenous peoples. This problem is especially relevant for ethnic groups living far from the region where the large part of the people is concentrated. Shors living in Khakassia are one such example; most of the Shors are settled in the Kemerovo region. The Shors live compactly in several settlements on the republic territory. The places of their traditional residence are located in the taiga and mountain-taiga areas, so they mostly preserve their original types of activities. They are engaged in gathering, hunting, and fishing. However, today gold mining companies are actively developing the sites of their historical settlement, damaging the natural landscape. For the majority of Shors, fishing and hunting are the main source of livelihood, but the activities of such companies hinder the fisheries. Because of this, the Shors have fewer opportunities to earn money and, consequently, their financial situation and quality of life deteriorates. Among the Shors there are quite a lot of poor people, who barely have enough money for food. The Shors are also engaged in private subsidiary farming, but they keep few livestock and are not oriented towards herd growth. Farming is difficult due to the natural and climatic features (taiga terrain) that prevent the breeding of a large number of livestock. Shors assess their level of adaptation to modern socio-economic conditions as low. According to the Shors, older people have adapted well, while young people have difficulties. The optimism of the Shors is respectable but it is mainly associated with hope in the government, in whose hands the future of this small indigenous people lies.
Keywords: Khakassia, Shors, indigenous peoples, ethnic economy, ethno-economics, crafts, gathering, hunting, fishing.

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For citation: Lushnikova, OL 2023, ‘Khakass Shors: Economic Practices and Social Well-being’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 3 (15), pp. 83–92, (in Russ.)


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