ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Kosar Salimi Abdolmaleki

PhD in Philology, Assistant Professor, Lecturer of the Russian Language Department

University of Bojnord

(Bojnord, Iran)


Abstract. The article considers the corpus of Russian phraseological units containing the structural foreign-cultural component "Persian", which largely determines the formation of the semantics of the entire set expression. The object of the study is also some phraseological units that include components-lexemes borrowed from the Persian language (Persianism). The aim of this article is to describe the range of phraseological units based on the images of Persia from the linguacultural point of view and to reveal the significance of the cultural information embedded in them. The study applied such linguistic methods as the method of continuous sampling from linguistic dictionaries, seminal analysis, linguacultural analysis and cognitive-discursive analysis of phraseological semantics. As a result of the analysis, the author concludes that the group of phraseological signs - linguacultural markers of the penetration of "Persian" into the Russian language field - includes a small number of semantically capacious units, including units of terminological nature, some of which are in widespread use, and combinations that have undergone phraseological metaphorization. As part of such set expressions, the "Persian" component loses its ethnonymic or toponymic meaning. In the process of functioning, these units acquire new meanings due to the ideas about Persia and Persian culture formed in the Russian linguistic consciousness over a long period of Russian-Iranian contacts.
Keywords: phraseological image, phraseological semantics, phraseologism, foreign cultural component.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Kosar Salimi Abdolmaleki 2023, ‘Images of Persia in Russian Phraseology’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 4 (16), pp. 121–128, (in Russ.)


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