ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Svetlana A. Kosharnaya

Professor, Doctor of Science (Philology), Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Russian Literature

Belgorod State National Research University

(Belgorod, Russia)

Yulia S. Kirichenko

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Russian Language and Russian Literature

Belgorod State National Research University

(Belgorod, Russia)


Abstract. Today the issues of individual style specificity of fiction speech are topical. There is an active development of this topic in various aspects, including its reflection on the solution of linguistic and cultural problems. The object of this study is the poem «The abode» by Igor Nikolaevich Grigoriev, the Pskov frontline poet. The work analyzes the representations of the folk-colloquial style functioning in the text of the poem (dialectisms, folklore elements) from the position of their individual style orientation. The authors consider individual style as a «product» of interaction of artistic thinking, language in the totality of its realizations and people’s culture. In the context of comprehension of the national artistic linguistic worldview, it is of interest to analyze the individual style of authors who intentionally, based on their personal creative attitude, actively introduce lexical representations of extra-literary language forms and elements of folklore language into the artistic text. Believing that in the context of the fiction language analysis, it is significant to comprehend the interaction of ethno-cultural and individual authorial principles, the authors aim to identify individual features of the I. Grigoriev's poem based on the colloquial tradition, including folklore, and to determine the artistic appropriateness of using elements of colloquial language and deliberate deviation from literary norms. The authors treat the dialectal and folklore elements as a linguocultural complex including linguistic units characterized not only by territorial and functional limitation of use, but also by such features as traditional nature and historicism (dialect and folklore forms are linguistic relics of previous epochs). In a fiction text, they expand the functions palette and serve the cause of creating an image, with a focus on the artistic and figurative concretization of the character. In addition, folkness (including folklore) as a possible component of the individual-author's artistic picture of the world always reflects significant fragments of the artist's ethno-cultural worldview. The analysis of folk and colloquial elements in the language of I. Grigoriev's poem "The Abode" confirmed this fact.
Keywords: artistic linguistic worldview, individual style, dialecticism, types of dialectisms, folklore worldview, linguoculturological interpretation of a fiction text.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Kosharnaya, SA & Kirichenko YuS 2023, ‘Dialectal and Folklore Elements as a Dominants of Igor Grigoriev’s Individual Style (Based on «The Abode»)’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 4 (16), pp. 129–140, (in Russ.)


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