ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Ekaterina S. Khomyakova

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Russian Language and Russian Literature

Belgorod State National Research University

(Belgorod, Russia)


Abstract. The article deals with the national-specific (cultural) concept ‘Garden’, which allows revealing the value priorities of culture and reflecting the national character. The purpose of the study is to identify formation features of an author-individual concept based on the transformation of a cultural concept. Appeal to the work of B. A. Akhmadulina is a conscious decision: the poet cannot be considered an active bearer of the folklore tradition. T. A. Beck, her contemporary, noted: “... folklore in my generation was the prerogative of vile “Soviet patriots”, but we shied away from these folklore principles compromised by speculation” [4]. Taking into account this statement, we believe that the stable coincidence of the semantics of the garden image in the oral folk art works and in the poetic texts by Akhmadulina tobe extremely significant. The ancient origin of the lexeme ‘garden’, its active functioning in all Slavic languages allows us to consider this unit as a nomination of a cultural concept that embodies several spatial dominants: the space of nature, home, man and love. Comparison of poetic texts by B. A. Akhmadulina and works of oral folk art made it possible to identify a number of similarities: the use of the lexeme ‘garden’ in strong positions (initial and final lines, rhyming positions, repetitions), the striving to personify the image of garden, using phytonyms and images traditional to Russian culture (for example, viburnum, raspberries, grapes, nightingale). The study allows us to conclude that the lexical meaning of the analyzed unit always includes an exclusively positive connotation. In addition, the topos of the garden, both in folklore texts and in Akhmadulina’s poetic idiostyle is associated with a romantic plot: the relationship of the characters often develops against the backdrop of a garden, and loving couple is compared with the plants growing there. Thus, the conducted research helped to make sure that the concept ‘Garden’ is ethno-cultural due to the significance of the meaning, frequency of use in folklore and individual author’s texts, explicitly expressed correlation with the human world.
Keywords: ‘Garden’concept, literary concept, idiostyle, folklore, personification, artistic image, artistic space.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Khomyakova, ES 2023, ‘Ethnocultural Components of the ‘Garden’ Concept in the Author-individual Interpretation’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 4 (16), pp. 209–215, (in Russ.)


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