Sergey A. Gubanov
Associate Professor, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of German languages
International Market Institute
(Samara, Russia)
Abstract. Scholars study the individual style specificity of literary text both within the framework
of stylistics and cognitive linguopoetics, which explores the mechanisms and intentions of the artistic
meanings formation. The object of this study is the pronominal epithet complex in M. Tsvetaeva’s
prose. The epithet complex is the main unit of the language of M. Tsvetaeva’s texts, and the epithet, in
her opinion, is a single, precise word. The hyperconcept ‘Quality’ is a universal way of mastering reality, which allows expressing the diversity of the world and the author's attitude to it in a multidimensional way. This hyperconcept finds its verbalization in M. Tsvetaeva’s texts. The epithet paradigm is a
set of epithet complexes representing one or another cognitive feature of a hyperconcept and includes
non-standard types of epithet words with individual style specificity. The article analyzes a part of the
epithet paradigm, which represents a segment of verbalization of the hyperconcept ‘Quality’ in the
cognitive feature ‘belonging + quality’. In her prose texts, M. Tsvetaeva reflects on the word; epithet
complexes come into the poet’s spotlight. The author notes that the pronominal epithet complex is a
non-usual phenomenon, the semantics of which is emphatically anthropomorphic, and the formal expression is idiolectically specific. The frequent epithetisation of possessive pronouns, which in
M. Tsvetaeva's prose have graphic means of emphasis (italics) and the occasional form of the degree of
comparison, testifies to the poet's reflection on pronominal epithets and qualitative characteristics of
the object. The epithet complexes under study represent the occasional component of M. Tsvetaeva’s
language and verbalize the poet’s desire to renew the language and language experiment.
Keywords: epithet, Marina Tsvetaeva, pronominative, individual style, epithet complex, epithet paradigm.
Full text of the article (PDF)
For citation: : Gubanov, SA 2024, ‘Pronominative Epithet Complex as Part of Epithet Paradigm in M. Tsvetaeva’s Prose’,
Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 1 (17), pp. 122–129, (in Russ.)
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