ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Alyona V. Eliseeva

Postgraduate Student of the Department of English Language Theory and Translation Studies

Bryansk State Academician I. G. Petrovski University

(Bryansk, Russia)

Anatoliy P. Vasilenko

Associate Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor of the French Language Department

Bryansk State Academician I. G. Petrovski University

(Bryansk, Russia)


Abstract. The article studies military slogans in the linguocultural perspective. The author considers a military slogan as a linguocultural sign characterized by informative, attractive, pragmatic and cognitive functions, the distinctive features of which are also informativity, expressiveness, compression, imperativeness, ambiguity, rhythm, imagery of perception and high frequency of reproduction. In the framework of this study, a military slogan is interpreted as a capacious, meaningful formulation that is aimed at attracting attention, conveying information, forming and consolidating specific attitudes in the minds of the target audience. Slogans in a laconic form reflect the essence of the idea being promoted, have an acoustically optimal speech shell, and are easily perceived and remembered. Using the example of modern Russian military slogans, the author considers the semantic aspects of hybrid (contamination) graphic structures (graphic derivatives) using the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet and conducts an evaluative analysis of the place and role of the military slogan as an element of the linguocultural code in the context of intercultural communication. The study seems relevant from the point of view of considering the linguocultural specifics and extralinguistic reasons that served as the basis for the formation of the figurative content of military slogans in modern sociocultural conditions. The purpose of this work is the denotative and, in particular, the connotative volume of knowledge contained in military slogans with the imposition of Latin graphemes on a Cyrillic basis, which served as research material. The main methods used by the authors in the article are linguocultural interpretation of military slogans, component analysis, analysis of the compatibility of linguistic signs as representatives of the semiotic system, analysis of the linguocultural code.
Keywords:: military slogan, linguocultural code, graphic hybrids, polygrafixate, graphic derivative, intercultural communication, linguistic worldview.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Eliseeva, AV & Vasilenko, AP 2024, ‘Linguocultural Content of a Military Slogan as an Interlanguage Graphical Derivative’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 1 (17), pp. 130–144, (in Russ.)


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