Anna V. Kuryanovich
Associate Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Head of the Department of Language Theory and Methods of Teaching the Russian Language
Tomsk State Pedagogical University
(Tomsk, Russia)
Irina A. Lyubertseva
Tomsk State Pedagogical University
(Tomsk, Russia)
Ulyana K. Novak
Tomsk State Pedagogical University
(Tomsk, Russia)
Abstract. The article deals with the analysis of regional urban street art objects using the methodological tools of linguistic discourse, which involves studying the role of extra-linguistic factors in the
process of perception of meanings and their interpretation. The study is based on experimental material obtained as a result of a sociological survey in the form of an Internet questionnaire. The empirical
basis for the study is six examples of modern street art operating in Tomsk - one of the cities of Western Siberia, a famous center of science, students, the center of numerous national cultures and multilingualism, a region with a harsh climate and unique nature. The starting point of the study is the thesis that urban street art embodies the multifaceted manifestations of the image of the city that has
developed in the minds of citizens and guests of Tomsk, and is a means of transmitting cultural meanings - both universal and inherent in understanding the unique appearance of Tomsk, including axiologically significant components. Art objects, harmoniously integrated into the urban space, are also
defined as units that form certain fragments of the worldview of the bearers of modern national linguistic culture in its regional version. The results of the experiment demonstrated the importance for
understanding their cultural and conceptual significance, as well as the multi-layered content that
gives rise to interpretation options, such discursive factors as the symbolism of their location in urban
space, variability / static visual appearance, the presence of hidden meanings, including those with
axiological value , multiplicity of options for interpreting the content, relationship with elements of the
cultural code of the city as a whole, presumed authorship. In general, the study showed the advisability
of considering the above-mentioned issues to deepen the understanding of modern national culture
and the national picture of the world in its regional discursive version of functioning.
Keywords: philological urban studies, linguistic discourse studies, regional city, Tomsk, urban discourse, street art, art object, cultural code of the city, urban identity, indications of the linguistic consciousness of native speakers.
Full text of the article (PDF)
For citation: : Kuryanovich, AV, Lyubertseva, IA & Novak, UK 2024, ‘Regional Urban Street Art in the Mirror of Native Speaker Reception (Experience of Linguistic and Discoursive Research)’,
Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 1 (17), pp. 156–168, (in Russ.)
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