Natalia P. Levykina
Engineer of the Department of the Steppe Science and Nature Management
Institute of Steppe, Ural Bruch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(Orenburg, Russia)
Sergey V. Levykin
Doctor of Sciences (Geography), RAS Professor, Leading Scientific Researcher, Head of the Department of the Steppe Science and Nature Management
Institute of Steppe, Ural Bruch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(Orenburg, Russia)
Abstract. The article studies steppe ergonyms of Orenburg, the steppe capital of Northern Eurasia.
Orenburg has the only Institute of Steppe in the world, and the Orenburg Steppe Studies School under
the leadership of academician A. Chibilyov is successfully developing. The authors carry out the study
within the framework of the humanitarian component of steppe studies and consider the Orenburg
region as a model steppe region that has preserved unique objects of historical, cultural and natural
heritage of the steppes. The authors classify Orenburg steppe ergonyms according to the criteria of
origin, structure, semantic features and fulfilled functions. The article puts forward a working hypothesis that the study of ergonyms will help to understand in detail all the trends and patterns of communication between nature, economy and culture of the steppe capital, as well as provide valuable information about the history, traditions and interaction with other peoples. The study of steppe ergonyms
is becoming increasingly relevant due to the lack of research in this area, the dynamic nature of linguistic processes and the complexity of the material to study. Nowadays, the influence of modern
trends in the use of steppe vocabulary is increasingly noticeable, which requires a comprehensive and
multifold analysis. It is also important to identify the reasons for the preference of certain means of
urban infrastructure facilities nomination, and to determine this subject study degree in Russian onomastic science. The almost complete absence of research on steppe ergonyms makes this area particularly interesting to study. In the process of conducting research on ergonymy, the authors created a
database that will serve as as a source for subsequent scientific research and the basis for the development of terminological dictionaries and reference books on the names of Orenburg commercial enterprises. The results obtained will be useful for the development of educational programs, scientific
research, as well as for the creation of tourist routes and attracting attention to steppe regions.
Keywords: steppe, ergonyms, onomastics, Orenburg, steppe region.
Full text of the article (PDF)
For citation: Levykina, NP & Levykin, SV 2024, ‘Steppe Ergonyms of the Steppe Capital: an Analysis of the Orenburg Urban Space’,
Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 1 (17), pp. 169–184, (in Russ.)
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