ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Alexander V. Zhidchenko

PhD in Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher

Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

(Moscow, Russia)


Abstract. The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the ideal model of women's urban everyday life in the Soviet Union in the 1950s. based on articles and notes from the magazine “Soviet Woman,” one of the leading all-Union periodicals on women’s topics. The relevance of the research topic is set by the framework of modern transformations in the field of ideas about motherhood and childhood, globalization and digitalization trends that reject traditional models of family and marriage relations and everyday gender roles. The proposed interdisciplinary research is at the intersection of women's history, everyday history and urban anthropology. The main source is periodical press materials; A frontal review of all issues of the magazine “Soviet Woman” was carried out for the period from 1951 to 1960. for the purpose of analyzing articles and notes devoted to changes in the urban sociocultural space, as well as women’s everyday life and life during this period. Among the main conclusions - ideological rhetoric and specific publications and reports indicated the leveling of the role of the housewife and the increasing responsibility of the working and production role of the Soviet woman. In specific publications, the husband and children became assistants, but not full owners of the domestic sphere of the home. Their obligatory participation in household chores is the key to freeing up a woman’s time for her own affairs and maintaining a friendly climate in the family. In cases where a woman had to raise children alone (without a husband), the responsibilities of helping her with housekeeping and education (in the ideal model) were taken on by the collective. The sociocultural dynamics of the development of the Soviet city (the creation of a service sector, social and cultural infrastructure) contributed to the liberation of Soviet women from the shackles of household duties, in order to spend time for professional growth, self-development, socially significant activities and leisure.
Keywords: everyday life, women's history, urban anthropology, Soviet city, periodicals.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Zhidchenko, AV 2024, ‘The Ideal Model of Women's Urban Everyday Life in the USSR in the 1950s. (Based on Materials from the Magazine “Soviet Woman”)’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 1 (17), pp. 18–31, (in Russ.)


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