ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Mikhail I. Rodnov

Doctor of Science (History), Leading Researcher of the Department of History and Cultural History of Bashkortostan

Institute of History, Language and Literature Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

(Ufa, Russia)


Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the history of merchants in Ufa, finally formed after 1870. The fate of merchant societies is touched upon in a relatively small number of scientific works in Russia as a whole, in the Southern Urals and in the Middle Volga region as well. The main problem is the poor preservation of archival collections. The researchers managed to analyze the activity of these class structures only where there are funds of merchant elders, as in Samara or Kirov. In Ufa, the archival documentation of the merchant society has also not survived to this day, but the merchant N. K. Blokhin, who headed the local merchant society for almost two decades, published an advertising newspaper. It published three annual reports in the early 1900s. This article is the first to use press materials to study merchant society. This data allowed us to see the stability of the class organization after the introduction of the 1898 law that separated business and class activities. The Ufa merchants did not abandon their class. And the merchant society of Ufa has shown its effectiveness in charitable support of impoverished merchants and various structures of the city. For example, individual annual allowances were paid to widows and the elderly, some people received stable amounts, in other cases there was one-off assistance. Among the recipients were once well-known merchant families in Ufa, such as V. V. Gren, a former comrade of the merchant elders. These data show the fate of Ufa merchants in their old age, which is usually not reflected in other sources. In general, the merchant society remained an important and necessary structure until the revolutionary upheavals.
Keywords: merchant society, merchants, class, economics, charity, Southern Urals, Ufa.

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For citation: Rodnov, MI 2024, ‘Merchant Society оf the City of Ufa at the Turn of the 19th – 20th Centuries’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 1 (17), pp. 32–42, (in Russ.)


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