Ilya S. Tryakhov
Associate Professor, PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian History
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs
(Vladimir, Russia)
Abstract. Providing the minimum amount of food necessary for the survival of people during the
Great Patriotic War is an important research task that remains unstudied completely to this day in
numerous rear regions of the USSR. Russian historiography for a long time considered the rationed
supply system as the most successful way to solve the food issue in conditions of food shortages. The
Vladimir and Ivanovo regions were traditionally the consuming regions of the country, and therefore
the centralized distribution of food was especially important for the local population. In the course of
the research, the author used party documents from the regional archives of the mentioned regions as
well as sources of personal origin, which unambiguously point to the food issue as the main problem of
all citizens who survived the war. The author identifies the main products that people were entitled to
under the rationed supply system and shows the main irregularities in the process, as well as their impact on the local population. In particular, the documents of the local city and district committees contain a considerable number of questions asked in different years of the war to party instructors and
party secretaries at meetings with workers and employees of enterprises and institutions in the region. The study of this topic makes it possible once again not only to state the severity of the food
problem, but also, using the example of the studied regions, confirms the shortcomings of the card system that developed during the war, as well as the need for the local population and authorities to
search for alternative sources to replenish the ration.
Keywords: The Great Patriotic War, the food issue, card supply, shortage, shopping, wastage, food facilities.
Full text of the article (PDF)
For citation: Tryakhov, IS 2024, ‘The Normalized Supply System of the Population and its Functioning During the Great Patriotic War (on the Example of the Ivanovo and Vladimir Regions)’,
Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 1 (17), pp. 61–77, (in Russ.)
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