ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Marina V. Pimenova

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Head of International Humanitarian University named after P. P. Semenov–Tyan-Shansky

International Humanitarian University named after P. P. Semenov–Tyan-Shansky

(St. Petersburg, Russia)


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to describe the etymology of the word rod (family) – a representative of the macroconcept under study, taking into account the connection between the forms of its representation in different languages and the evolution of the representative semantics, based on data from Russian language explanatory dictionaries. The scientific novelty of the undertaken research lies in the analysis of related words from European languages, which makes it possible to find semantic correspondences and patterns that contradict cultural stereotypes and dictionary attitudes that narrow the view of the meanings of cognate words in different languages. According to the study by O.N. Trubachev, the ancestral form of the word rod (family) is *ord. The author analyses words with this root in Russian, English, German and Latin. The semantics of the rod macroconcept’s derivatives indicates an associative connection with: 1. The military class; 2. Military terminology (ordered his troops); 3. Order and public administration, jurisdiction and jurisprudence; 4. Architecture and construction - standard projects of the order (the expression to obtain a warrant for an apartment has been preserved); 5. Food (in Latin and English linguocultures); 6. Speech (language); 7. Weaving (and spinning in Russian linguoculture); 8. Family, nature and people (clan); 9. Beginning (in speech - a spring and in a family - from birth). 10. Land in the meaning of administrative management and place of birth (Motherland); 11. A method of determining the geographical position on the ground using special devices (coordinate recorder, coordinate meter). Latin ordo, German Órdnung, English order are cognates with rod (family), as well as French ordener, ordoner, ordonner, Portuguese and Spanish ordenar, Italian ordinare.
Keywords: motivating signs, structure of the macroconcept, linguoculture, language worldview, conceptology.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Pimenova, MV 2024, ‘Family (Rod) and Horde (Orda) as Factors of Self-identification in Linguoculture’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (18), pp. 117–128, (in Russ.)


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