Aliaksandr L. Dziadzinkin
Associate Professor, PhD in History, Professor of the Department of Law and Social Sciences and Humanitie
Vitebsk Branch of International University «MITSO»
(Vitebsk, Belarus)
Abstract. The article provides an analysis of the methods of forensic linguistic examination of disputed texts used in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. According to the author, when
using a particular method, the main task of a linguist expert is to establish a correlation between the
legal facts reflected in speech works and the corresponding linguistic features. The author states that
in the Republic of Belarus, when analyzing texts of allegedly extremist content, the role of an expert is
often reduced only to stating the identified language parameters, which in some cases does not allow
the law enforcement officer to use the conclusions of a linguist to accurately qualify the offense. Based
on many years of experience in conducting forensic linguistic research as an expert outside an expert
organization, the author suggests using the method of linguistic labeling of conceptual units in expert
practice in cases of extremism. The use of this method in the study of extremist materials involves a
certain algorithm of actions. First of all, the expert must establish the presence of linguistic markers
that are significant for the legal assessment of a speech act as public (openness in the transmission of
information by the addressee and the possibility of information perception by the addressee). Next,
the expert must identify linguistic markers that correlate with the signs of those verbal offenses referred to in the decision on the appointment of an expert examination: the presence of an incentive
intention, the name of the method of performing the action, an indication of the object of the action
and the verbalization of the addressee.
Keywords: linguistic expertise, extremism, extremist materials, controversial text, linguistic labeling.
Full text of the article (PDF)
For citation: Dziadzinkin, AL 2024, ‘The Method of Linguistic Labeling of Conceptual Units (from Expert Practice in Cases of Extremism)’,
Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (18), pp. 86–93, 2712-8407-2024-2-86-93 (in Russ.)
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