Irina V. Erofeyeva
Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of the Russian Language and Methods of Teaching
Kazan Federal University
(Kazan, Russia)
Mariya A. Pilgun
Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Leading Researcher of the Interdisciplinary research laboratory
Russian State Social University
(Moscow, Russia)
Abstract. The article deals with the reconstruction of one of the most significant ethical dominants
of medieval consciousness based on materials from surviving written sources, based on historical and
literary data. The formation of love idea in the Russian Middle Ages worldview was important for the
translation of the moral principles of the newly perceived Christianity. Therefore, the most significant
in the content side of this concept is love for God and adherence to the principles he preaches. Since
the ideological principles of Orthodoxy were in conflict with the social and political factors of extralinguistic reality, their propaganda was very important in the ideological sphere. High ethical principles, among which love occupies one of the leading places, were an important means of combating the
rudeness and cruelty of the feudal state. The use of chronicle text as a material for research allows us
to present the picture of the world of medieval man with the greatest completeness. The text of “The
Tale of Bygone Years” contains works of different thematic and genre-stylistic orientation, in which
the word love realizes different components of meaning: from love for God, as the most significant
embodiment of this feeling in the ethical and philosophical picture of the world of the Middle Ages, to
paternal, brotherly, friendly. In contexts of a historical, documentary, biographical nature, the semantic content of the concept of “love” in the Old Russian language turns out to be much closer to the concept of “friendship”. In the texts of treaties, the concept of “love” conveys the idea of peace and harmony between peoples. The medieval text does not reflect the perception of love as a feeling of
attachment, sympathy for another person due to the lack of individualization of characters.
Keywords: Old Russian language, worldview, the Middle Ages, chronicles, ethics, philosophy, cultural categories.
Full text of the article (PDF)
For citation: Erofeyeva, IV & Pilgun, MA 2024, ‘Reconstruction of the Ethical and Philosophical Idea of Love in the Old Russian Language (Based on the Material of the Chronicle Text)’,
Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (18), pp. 94–105, (in Russ.)
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