ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Ekaterina Y. Protasova

PhD in Philology, Doctor of Science (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the University of Helsinki

University of Helsinki

(Helsinki, Finland)

Abstract. This article discusses the problem of reading among bilinguals living abroad, lists the opportunities and features of reading provided by the situation of bilingualism. It shows the ways in which teaching reading differs in the methodology of teaching Rus-sian as a native language and as a foreign language. In addition, the author mentions what position the method of teaching bilinguals occupies in the methodology. The work analyzes the research on bilinguals reading texts in Russian. The article describes how reading is mastered in Russian-speaking families living abroad at the present time and what the role of texts in this process is. The work demonstrates the strengths and weak-nesses of bilingual reading. The author gives recommendations for the ways of reading books for the young bilingual children. The article describes the experience of teaching Russian as a native language to bilingual students living abroad in terms of the process of working on texts: its stages and techniques.
Keywords: child and student bilingualism, methods of teaching bilinguals, native language, Russian language abroad, mastering reading, working on the text, using books with bilinguals.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation:Protasova, EY 2020, ‘Patterns and paradoxes of bilingual reading’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (2), pp. 87–94, URL: (in Russ.)


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