Aleksey V. Belov
PhD in History, Senior Researcher of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(Moscow, Russia)
Abstract. The article highlights the development of the traditions of the Western European Theater
in Russia in the first half and middle of the 17th century, i.e. at the historical stage that immediately
preceded the official date of the first court theater in the country. The date of its appearance is the day of
performance given in the village of Preobrazhenskoye ("Artaxerxes action"). The article describes and
analyzes the main events of the 17th century that contributed to the acquaintance of both the highest
representatives of the Russian society and the broadest segments of the population of the capital city with
the traditions of theatrical Western European festivals. It also describes the circumstances and forms in
which Muscovites got to know these traditions. The work assesses the degree of novelty of the Western
European theatre for Muscovy. The article regards the reasons that slowed the process of penetration of
the rules and regulations of the Western European theatrical culture into Russia (the reasons were both
military-political and subjective in nature which was directly due to the complex relations between Russia
and the countries of Western Europe, which arose as a result of the events of the Time of Troubles). The
author notes not only the Russian society's little-known interest in the forms of art of the Western countries
but also the direct involvement of these forms in the service of the Russian court, the state, and the Russian
Orthodox Church, including the connection with the development of the educational system that uses the
experience of the Kiev Theological Academy. The paper analyzes the development of theatrical traditions
within the national Russian culture, which is developing under the influence of both internal trends and
cultural borrowings from the Western European countries. The difficulties and failures that have
influenced the implementation of this process are shown. The author evaluates the contribution of various
individuals, both native residents of the country and people from abroad, and suggests a re-evaluation of
the accepted degree of "backwardness" of Russia in the development of European-type theater culture.
Keywords: theater, Western European theater, court theater, Preobrazhensky theater, culture of Russia of the XVII century.
* The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 18-09-00047.
Full text of the article (PDF)
For citation:Belov, AV 2020, ‘On the way to the "Artaxerxes act" of the preobrazhensky theater: theatrical tradition and spectacles in Russia in the first half of the XVII century’,
Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 3 (3), pp. 28–38, URL: (in Russ.)
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