ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Vera V. Orazbekova

Master of Pedagogy, Teacher at the Chair of General Legal, Social Sciences and Humanities of MFUA

Moscow University of Finance and Law

(Moscow, Russia)

Abstract. The article regards allusion as one of the means of intertextual play in the poem by I. Brodsky. The author considers allusion in the context of intertextuality, which performs the function of a multilayer structure of the text. The work considers cultural, historical and literary archetypes as semantic codes. The author establishes a relationship between fairy tale’s allusions and real concepts in the work and forms a poetic picture of the world. The article connects historical concept with various cultural texts and allusions, which are seen as precedent phenomena. The work considers allusions in the context of the semiotic theory of “text in text”.
Keywords: allusion, intertextuality, literary text, precedent phenomenon, language game, semiotic code.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation:Orazbekova, VV 2020, ‘Allusion as a means of expressing intertextuality in I. Brodsky's poem "Letters of the Ming dynasty"’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 3 (3), pp. 86–93, URL: (in Russ.)


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