ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Evgeny F. Tarasov

Professor, Doctor of Science (Philology), Head of Psycholinguistics of the Department of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sсienсеs

Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

(Moscow, Russia)

Abstract. The article dwells upon the communicants’ common consciousness as a prerequisite essential for any symbol-based communication. The symbols’ bodies produced by the speaker and perceived by the recipient are in intersubjective space. They can serve as a means of communication only if each symbol has an identical association in the consciousness of both communicators. The commonality of communicants’ consciousness starts its development in the interaction between a child and an adult, in which the objects activity carried out by them becomes the substance of the child's consciousness. The ethnic culture in its objective, activity and ideal forms, acquired by a child in the early ontogenesis, is the basis of the common consciousness of society members. In his activity theory, A. N. Leontiev describes this phenomenon using the term the world image. This common consciousness enables production of speech messages by the speaker, the understanding of which by the recipient leads to the development of their joint activity images, which in turn become a form of their existence. The common consciousness of the society members is also developed, maintained and transformed in their joint activity in the form of its “collective subject”. The knowledge constantly generated by society members in their object activities becomes not only common; when verbalized this knowledge becomes universal for a specific ethnos.
Keywords: common consciousness, joint activity, world image, substance of consciousness, collective subject, forms of culture, verbalization of consciousness.

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For citation:Tarasov, EF 2020, ‘On the issue of communicants’ common consciousness’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 4 (4), pp. 128-135, URL: (in Russ.)


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