Natalia N. Troshina
Leading researcher of the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sсienсеs
Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(Moscow, Russia)
Abstract. There is stating the negative dynamics in the sphere of Russian-speaking communication,
which is correlated with socio-political changes in the society. This problem is considered in the article from
the positions of socio-functional stratification of the language, which takes into account the affiliation of
communication participants to different social groups, including the small ones. It allows to analyze their
sociolinguistic characteristics. It is important since small social groups play a more and more prominent
role in the Russian language culture, forming their own subcultures and language fashion. At the same time
the culture of the lowest social groups becomes a guideline, which stipulates the negative tendency of verbal
The prospect of qualitative improvement of verbal dynamics is connected with the formation of a
new type of the Russian entrepreneur – an entrepreneur-intellectual.
Keywords: socio-functional stratification of the language, verbal dynamics, small social groups, subculture, language community, linguistic situation, discourse, jargonism.
Full text of the article (PDF)
For citation:Troshina, NN 2020, ‘Socio-functional stratification of language and verbal dynamics of linguage community’,
Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 4 (4), pp. 136-142, URL: (in Russ.)
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