ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Yuri V. Rodovich

Doctor of Science (History), Professor of the Department of the History and Archeology

Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. The article examines the participation of the United States of America in the involvement of West Germany in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the history of mutual action of the United States and Germany in NATO since 1955 up to the present day. During almost all of this period, the relations between the partners in the bloc showed a desire for cooperation, but sometimes there were contradictions. After the unification of Germany, German troops began to participate in the military actions of the Alliance. Berlin was relatively independent in its foreign policy. He refocused the structures, funding, equipment, and organization of the armed forces from defense to dealing with crises outside the NATO area of responsibility. Although the sovereignty of Germany is limited due to the deployment of American military facilities, including nuclear weapons, on its territory. During the Ukrainian crisis, which contributed to the resuscitation of the North Atlantic bloc, the United States, apparently, realized the need for closer ties with Germany in solving problems around the states of Eastern Europe and Russia, as well as taking into account the interests of Germany in relation to these countries. Attempts by President D. Trump's move to shift the excessive financial burden of the US in NATO to the European members of the bloc did not coincide with the interests of Germany. Therefore, acting within the framework of the PESCO project, the country sought to ensure its security, not only within the framework of NATO, but also the European Union, without excluding the possibility of creating European army. However, this does not mean that Germany will abandon military-political cooperation with the United States in the North Atlantic bloc, especially after the change of the presidential administration in Washington.
Keywords: Germany, United States, transatlantic relations, NATO, European Union.

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For citation: Rodovich, YV 2021, ‘Cooperation of Germany and the United States in NATO: history, challenges, prospects’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 1 (5), pp. 55–68, (in Russ.)


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