ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Arsen A. Khusnutdinov

Professor, Doctor of Science (Philology), Professor of the Department of the Russian Philology, Ivanovo State University

Ivanovo State University

(Ivanovo, Russia)


Abstract. The article defines the main directions of the Russian phraseological science development in the second half of the XX century. The author distinguishes three main lines in the development of phraseological materials. They differ from each other in perception of the object and subject of phraseology and the tasks it solves. The direction where the representatives see all the combinations of lexemes as the object of phraseology, and the peculiarities of lexical units compatibility as its subject (the line “E. D. Polivanov – M. M. Kopylenko– Z. D. Popova, etc.”); the direction where the representatives define a phraseological unit as a non-word formation, as a special unit of language that is not a phrase, since it consists of components which are only genetically originated or associated with words and not of words themselves (the line "B. A. Larin – A. I. Molotkov, etc."); and the direction, the representatives of which consider only those combinations of words that are characterized by stability and reproducibility as the object of phraseology (the line "V. V. Vinogradov – V. L. Arkhangelsky and others"). The article pays particular attention to the characteristics of the phraseology’s third direction, which has become the most popular in domestic and foreign linguistics. The author stresses the contribution to science of the representative of this direction, V. T. Bondarenko, namely, to the solution of the issues related to the scientific description of the features of stable phrases variation. It is stated that V. T. Bondarenko's attitude to the problem of varying phraseological units as a phenomenon affecting both the form and the content of a unit, as well as his belief that an adequate reflection of the real functioning of phraseological units is possible only when taking into account the communicative nature of such modifications in acts of speech. They allow the scientist to show the field of possible transformations of stable phrases and the ability of phraseological units to this or that modification, to describe the variant paradigms of various types of transformations with their evaluations in terms of stability and variability. The article also appreciates the "Dictionary of Responses in Russian Dialogical Speech", compiled by V. T. Bondarenko, which presents the main fund of common stable verbal formulas used in speech as response-reaction.
Keywords: Russian language, history of phraseological science, phraseology, phraseological unit, phraseme, stable phrase, lexeme compatibility.

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For citation: Khusnutdinov, AA 2021, ‘Notes to the history of phraseological science. V. V. Vinogradov – V. L. Arkhangelsky – V. T. Bondarenko’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 1 (5), pp. 76–90, (in Russ.)


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