ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Tatyana V. Bakhvalova

Professor, Doctor of Science (Philology), Professor of the Department of the Russian Language, Orel State University

Orel State University

(Orel, Russia)

Anna R. Popova

Associate Professor, Doctor of Science (Philology), Professor of the Department of the Russian Language, Orel State University

Orel State University

(Orel, Russia)


Abstract. The article identifies and describes dialect phraseological items on the basis of one of the richest sources of studying folk dialects – literary texts that show the life and way of life of villagers, recreating the village world of a certain region on certain periods. The works of the modern Orel writer T. I. Gribanova continue the literary tradition of active introduction of dialect nominative items into texts, that originates from I. S. Turgenev, N. S. Leskov, I. A. Bunin. Gribanova’s characters speak live Orel dialects, and therefore her texts are full of dialect nominative items including phraseological items. The author's dictionary project “Folk word in literary and artistic embodiment (based on the works of T. I. Gribanova)” contains a lexicographic representation of dialect phraseological items most of which are not fixed in the dictionaries of regional vocabulary and phraseology. Items that nominate and characterize a person, their states, behavior, assessments, relationships, etc. represent a significant part of the dialect phraseology found in the works. This fact confirms the anthropocentricity of the phraseological picture of the world including the dialect one. The article studies the semantic groups of dialect phraseological items found in the texts; phraseological variation (in comparison with the phraseological items of the literary language); specificity of the component composition in terms of frequency and in terms of belonging to the forms of language existence; literary purposes of using dialect phraseology in T. I. Gribanova's prose. The value and significance of the modern literary text in the study of folk dialects, phraseology of the Russian language is noted.
Keywords: dialect phraseology, Orel dialects, phraseosemantic group, internal form of a phraseologism, component of a phraseologism, phraseological picture of the world, prose by T. I. Gribanova.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Bakhvalova, TV, Popova, AR. 2021, ‘The text of a modern writer as a source of information about dialect phraseology’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 1 (5), pp. 98–114, (in Russ.)


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