ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Elena V. Pronina

Associate Professor, PhD in Philology, Head of the Chair of Russian Philology and Literature, Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University

(Tula, Russia)


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to consider the peculiar features of the ideostyle of a literary work, describing originality and distinctiveness of Dostoevsky’s manner of writing thanks to which a unique image of a literary work is created and one gets a possibility to understand the message of the writer’s work on all levels of the analysis much deeper. The linguopoetic analysis of the language of the story is carried out in terms of phonetic, lexical-semantic, syntactic aspects. Phonetically the text presents a rhythmical contrast influencing the structure and semantics of the text. This rhythmical arrangement of the text provides for the effect of the main character’s confused mental state. By the end of the story, the rhythm becomes more serene and measured. As far as the lexico-semantic level of the text is concerned, it should be concluded that the main epistemic images – the words of Dostoevsky’s thesaurus are extensively presented: person – life – chronotope – fear – death – truth. One of the main peculiarities of the syntactic level of the text is the use of the occasional noun plus verb collocations. As the story unfolds and the main character’s point of view becomes more evident and obvious, an abrupt pace of the narration changes into a measured one, the writer resorts to hypotaxis, the use of composite complex and compound sentences of different types. Moreover, in the end of the text, where the main character makes up his mind to preach, one can observe the similarity between the syntactic arrangement of the story and the syntax of the genre of the Orthodox Church Rhetoric, namely a sermon. The article also treats repetitions, chain repetitions, and such segmental constructions of expressive syntax as nominative theme; what is more, F. Dostoevsky uses such words as the elements of the theme as life, truth, sermon, dream. The produced analysis proves the statement that linguo-poetic “threads” of Dostoevsky’s global novels are interwoven in the literary work under analysis.
Keywords: linguopoetics, Dostoevsky, “A Writer's Diary”, a rhythmic arrangement of a literary work, epistemic images – the words (idioglosses), parataxis, hypotaxis, segmental constructions of expressive syntax.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Pronina, EV 2021, ‘Linguo-poetic peculiarity of a science fiction story by F. M. Dostoevsky «The dream of a ridiculous man»’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (6), pp. 101–108, (in Russ.)


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