ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Inessa G. Rodionova

Associate Professor, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Russian Language and Methods of Teaching of the Russian Language, Penza State University

Penza State Universit

(Penza, Russia)


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to consider the features of using introductory sentences with a conjunction yesli (if) in the metalanguage function in the works of K. G. Paustovsky. There are two types of metalanguage information introduced by the sentences of this type: 1) the speaker's use of a word or phrase that is atypical for a specific speech situation; 2) the expression of a subjective assessment of the utterance by the speaker and the characteristics of their speech manner. The subject of a metalanguage commentary when using a word or phrase that is atypical for a particular speech situation is, as a rule, the author. The introductory meta-operator is usually the phrase yesli mozhno tak vyrazit'sya (so to speak). A word or phrase that is the object of a metalanguage commentary is formed by metaphorical transfer. The metaoperator yesli mozhno tak vyrazit'sya (so to speak) is mainly used to characterize individuals, most often writers: their character traits, creative manner, etc. The author notes that introductory sentences with the conjunction yesli (if), which serve to express the subjective assessment of the utterance by the speaker and emphasize his speech manner, contain the infinitive govorit' (to speak) and the lexeme of the adverbial type that characterizes the way of speaking. Such sentences are used, as a rule, in the speech of characters. The work draws attention to the place of introductory constructions with a conjunction yesli (if) in the structure of the sentence. Usually it is used in an interposition, which indicates that the metaphorical transfer was not planned by the speaker in advance, their desire to warn the reader about an unusual word or phrase arises, as it were, in the process of speaking. The author concludes that the constructions under consideration cannot be viewed as an exclusive means of metalinguistic reflection by K. G. Paustovsky. However, they characterize the individual style of the writer and make the text oriented towards adequate perception by the reader and serve to embody the author's intention.
Keywords: introductory construction, conjunction, metalanguage function, metaoperator, characterization, metaphorical transfer, subjective assessment.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Rodionova, IG 2021, ‘The metalanguage function of introductory sentences with the conjunction yesli (if) in the works of K. G. Paustovsky’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (6), pp. 109–118, (in Russ.)


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