ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Mikhail A. Belan

DPhil Student, Faculty of History, University of Oxford

University of Oxford

(Oxford, the UK)


Abstract. The article analyses the involvement of meshchane communities in district towns of St. Petersburg province in the organisation of the zemskoe voisko, or militia, in 1806 – 1807 (the militia remains an almost unexplored topic) and the People’s militia in 1812. Except for Moscow and St. Petersburg communities, the role of urban estates in the organization of militias and militias’ significance for urban citizenship have not been properly examined – especially for meshchane. Based on new sources introduced into scientific circulation for the first time – documents of townhalls (community verdicts, reports to the provincial authorities, etc.) – the organization of the collection of militiamen and money by communities is studied. Three district towns, with varied economic background, are considered (Novaia Ladoga, Gdov, Sofia–Tsarskoe Selo). The collections of militiamen and money for their equipment in 1806 – 1807 and 1812 – 1813 are compared. Accurate calculations have been made to compare the participation in militias – supplies of men and the collection of money – with main townspeople duties: recruit levies and the poll tax. The contribution of the communes to the organization of militia has been underestimated. In 1807 fewer people were supplied than in 1812 – but they were not returned by their communities. And by 1815 only about 60% of militiamen from zemskoe opolchenie returned. The collection of money for equipment, provisions, and weapons for militiamen was significant: it exceeded the usual money collected for recruits during the annual levies. Supplying one militiaman costed the community approx. 100 – 200 rubles: and individual shares from one male soul, laid out by the commune (10 – 20 rubles in 1812), exceeded the poll tax and usual recruit money.
Keywords: district town, townspeople meshchane community, provincial citizenship, militia, zemskoe voisko of 1806 – 1807, the People’s militia of 1812, the Patriotic War of 1812, donations, militiamen, commune.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Belan, MA 2021, ‘Involvement of St. Petersburg province district townspeople comunitites in raising militias in 1806 – 1807 and 1812’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (6), pp. 15–28, (in Russ.)


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