ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Olga I. Avdeeva

Associate Professor, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of General Linguistics, Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU)

Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU)

(Moscow, Russia)

Mariet M. Tlevtsezheva

Associate Professor, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Russian as a Foreign Language, Adyghe State University (ASU)

Adyghe State University (ASU)

(Moscow, Russia)


Abstract. This article is devoted to the issue of comparing the structure and semantics of Russian and French phraseological-semantic groups with the meaning “the degree of a person's experience”. Most of the phraseological units of any language are of an anthropocharacterizing nature, and one of the most important characteristics of a person is their social position. Therefore, a comparative study of phraseological semantic groups with the meaning “the degree of a person's experience” as one of the essential characteristics of one’s social position is quite relevant. In addition, a comparative study of phraseological units serves as a basis for the study of both languages, and makes a certain contribution to the practice of translation. The study of phraseological semantic fields and groups embodies the implementation of the onomasiological approach to the analysis of phraseological material, which is most consistent with its nature and, as a result, is the most productive. When comparing the Russian and French phraseosemantic groups with the meaning “the degree of human experience”, both common and distinctive features in terms of structure and semantics were revealed. Common features are observed in the structure of phraseosemantic groups, in the evaluative characteristics of phraseological units, and in some cases in their internal form. The analysis of phraseological semantic groups with the meaning "the degree of human experience" in both languages revealed a harmonious structure of these groups, which include the following semantic groupings of phraseological units: subgroups, microgroups (optional), synonymous blocks, synonymous series. In the composition of phraseosemantic groups with the meaning “the degree of a person's experience” both in the Russian and French languages, nuclear and peripheral phraseological units have been identified. Distinctive features of Russian and French phraseological semantic groups with the meaning "degree of human experience" are the following: the quantitative content of some semantic groupings, the absence in some cases of correspondences in one of the languages, as well as the differences observed in most cases in the internal form of phraseological units. The differences are most clearly manifested in the internal form of phraseological units containing a nationally specific cultural component. The phraseosemantic group with the meaning "the degree of a person's experience" in conjunction with other phraseosemantic groups is part of the phraseosemantic field "social characteristics of a person." Due to the presence of peripheral phraseological units, the phenomenon of intersection of phraseological-semantic groups arises, by means of which a single phraseological-semantic field “social characteristics of a person” is created. In turn, the phraseological-semantic field “social characteristics of a person”, intersecting with other phraseological-semantic fields, forms the phraseological corpus of the language.
Keywords: phraseological units, phrasemes, phraseosemantic field, comparative phraseology, Russian phraseology, French phraseology, social characteristic of a person, experienced, inexperienced.

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For citation: Avdeeva, OI, Tlevtsezheva, MM. 2021, ‘Structure and semantics of the adjective phaseosemantic group "degree of human experience" in russian and french languages’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (6), pp. 62–70, (in Russ.)


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