ISSN (Online) 2712-8407
DOI: 10.22405/2712-8407


Irina Y. Tretyakova

Assistant Professor, Doctor of Science (Philology), Associate Professor, Professor of the Chair of Russian Philology, Kostroma State University

Kostroma State University

(Kostroma, Russia)


Abstract. The article deals with the occasional variability of phraseological units in the modern Russian language. The research relevance arises from scholars’ attention to the variability of language units in speech. The study novelty lies in insufficient knowledge about transforming the capacity of phraseological units of diverse thematic, phrase-semantic groups and fields. One of these groups combines phraseological units with ornithonym components. In the context of phraseological coherence, they display the peculiarities of semantics, which, in turn, determines the specificity of occasional changes in the phraseological unit. The work aims to analyze the transforming capacity of phraseological units via component substitution. The article studies the phraseological units belaya vorona (white crow), strelyanyy vorobey (old bird), gus' lapchatyy (palmate goose (cunning fellow)), and mokraya kuritsa (bedraggled hen), which have the same syntactic pattern but different semantic and figurative content. While analyzing phraseological capacity, we regard reflection of outer realities in a phraseological image, isomorphism of a meaning and form, motivation of a phraseological meaning as the factors determining a possibility of transformational component substitution. To define specific features in transforming processes of phraseological units with the ornithonym component, the author studies component substitution based on paradigmatic connections and actual asystemic relations. The research results demonstrate that the transforming capacity of phraseological units depends on the relevance of the ornithonym component in forming phraseological semantics: a minor role of the ornithonym component in creating a phraseological meaning; vague connection between the one and phraseological image; weak component bonds lead to a higher possibility of component substitution and more occasional transformations to take place.
Keywords: occasional phraseology, phraseological transformations, ornithonyms, transforming potential of a phraseological unit.

Full text of the article (PDF)

For citation: Tretyakova, IY 2021, ‘Phraseological units with ornithonym component in the context of occasional variability’, Tula Scientific Bulletin. History. Linguistics, issue 2 (6), pp. 81–93, (in Russ.)


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